Monday, July 27, 2015

Packing for a Short Trip

I am queen of the short trip. And while I take the title queen pretty lightly (meaning I'm self proclaimed queen of whatever is convenient in the moment), 5 years of traveling at least once a month for school gives me a little credibility for this particular declaration. So I have a few tips and tricks for traveling lightly for a weekend or a week that I want to share with you for any end of the summer vacations, conferences, or road trips.

Godiva Shampoo, Jungle Conditioner, Buffy Exfoliant + Body Butter
The first things I'd purchase to make your life 10 times easier for any trip in the airport with just a carry-on are solid shampoos, conditioners, and lotions. I have a confession: I have an irrational hatred of distilling my liquids into travel containers. I'm lazy about pumping my shampoo in a 2 oz plastic container, I fear my lotion spilling in my bag, and I don't want to take out a ziploc full of containers for TSA. So instead, I invested in solid products from Lush. I never thought I'd be such a convert but these products last forever, travel well, and smell great. 

My second toiletry recommendation is a small travel bag. I use a little black bag from Muji that I can hang up in my hotel room. I love this bag's mesh compartments because everything is visible and I don't need to rummage around to find my hairbrush under tubes of mascara and eyeliner in a (potentially cuter) makeup bag. 

Muji Hanging Travel Bag
When it comes to clothes, advanced planning is your friend. I used to decide to bring X bottoms, Y tops, Z shoes, etc. but that left me with odds and ends that I wasn't sure how I wanted to piece together in the mornings of my trips. Now I am a firm supporter of packing outfits instead of pieces (and getting extra time to sleep in or see sights instead of figuring out what to wear). I like to draw out the outfits I'm going to bring. Having a visual "packing list" to consult also lets me imagine different combinations of pieces so that I know I'm not stuck to one look.

When actually packing your clothes I recommend rolling them up instead of folding them on top of each other because it makes it easy to see what you have if you're living out of your suitcase.

Skirts & Pants - Topshop
For my small carry-on (or just a more accessible bag if I'm not flying) I have a few musts. I like to bring multiple forms of entertainment or work (like printed out readings for class in a folder, a magazine, and a notebook). I also need my travel documents and IDs, laptop, wallet, glasses, and phone with me. To save money in the airport I always try to bring a snack, knowing that if I don't I'm going to spend 5 dollars on the granola bar I could've gotten at Trader Joe's for 1. For my trip to Chicago I was missing lunch so I packed a wrap that I made in the morning. To carry all of this I used my (new!) leather backpack from urban.

Assorted Essentials
Planning to travel for this week also taught me some tips and tricks that I learned by messing up (pretty severely). One, always check what day you are supposed to return home!!! I'm attending a training that ends on Saturday and accidentally booked my flight out for Sunday, leaving me scrambling to find last minute housing accommodations because changing my flight would cost more than my original round trip (thx Delta). Two, read up on the public transit of the city you're visiting. As a New York kid, I expect buses to run frequently and all week. That's how I ended up waiting 20 minutes for a bus in Chicago on Sunday that only runs on weekdays. Despite the blunders, I made it to my conference center safely and am excited for a weeklong training on community organizing!

Post by Naima Drecker-Waxman

Friday, July 24, 2015

Too Hot, Hot Damn

I'm in the final stretch of my time here in Kyoto! I've finished all my classes and now I just have to prepare for exams. It's been so hot this last week that studying in an air conditioned room doesn't seem so bad...
Or an air conditioned shopping mall... I've been making some last purchases before I leave (it's sale season here I had to!)

I got this dress at a store in Kyoto Station, they're having their summer sale! 

Keeping cool(ish) in the 90 degree weather with some ice cream!

Everyone wears super loose clothing here and denim everything.

One of my favorite drinks! Salt & fruit, surprisingly good and refreshing in the heat...

Anyways, I'm off to the Mitarashi festival to purify myself before I buckle down and study this weekend! Happy Friday!

Post by Tallulah Axinn 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Lower East Side: Brunch at Two Hands

In the strange meeting point of Little Italy, SoHo, and Chinatown is Two Hands cafe - described on their website as "good food by good dudes." I can only testify to the good food but how bad can any dude who decorates his cafe in dreamy clouds be?

This cafe was my Sunday brunch destination. Scared off on Saturday by crowds plotting the perfect brunch gram, a roaring stomach demanding to be fed, and open windows indicating no AC in 90 degree and humid weather, I made my return to Two Hands a day later to enjoy an acai bowl next to my portable fan

(Kidding. But wouldn't it be funny if I did bring one?)

With its reasonable prices, good service, and picturesque interior, Two Hands is the perfect place to spill details about rowdy Friday and Saturday nights (or, alternatively, listen in on what your table neighbor's unbelievable now-ex-boyfriend did! And with her own sister's college roommate's math TA!).

To dress for the occasion (read: opportunity to eavesdrop on unsuspecting strangers), I slipped into my (only?) skirt and paired it with a Jurassic Park tee (because this was no upper east side boozy brunch with unlimited bloody marys, a view of the park, and pastel dresses accessorized with pearls). Limited by the fact I'm yet to wash some seriously dirty white adidas, I went for black converse and threw on a vintage mini backpack I bought off a girl on facebook in high school (bless you buying&selling NYC).

I've been holding off on the graphic tee and miniskirt combo, unsure of whether I could pull it off or not, but after one wear I'm sold and have a feeling this outfit is going to make a reappearance.

Would you believe me if I said I'm not an outfit repeater I'm just german and this is what we do?

Top - Target, Skirt - Topshop, Shoes - Converse, Bag - Vintage
Maybe I'm getting too sentimental because this was my last weekend home in New York before I end the summer with a trip to Chicago and an early return to school (courtesy of debate preseason - hold the laughter), but I'm going to say it anyway: I'm going to miss this city so much. And if you have a chance to be here then visit the lower east side for good food, at Two Hands or elsewhere, and Sunday adventuring.

Post by Naima Drecker-Waxman

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Gion Matsuri: Before the Typhoon

Gion Matsuri is a week long festival that someone described to me as "Kyoto's version of Mardi Gras". Gion Matsuri started in the 9th century to appease the god of the Yasako Shrine, Susanoo-no-mikoto. It ends on Friday with a huge parade, but because of the weather forecast I chose to go on Wednesday! 

The festival is full of food, music and floats made especially for the parade! 

Here is a float that my friend's host sister's friend's brother (that's a mouthful) plays music for! This connection allowed us to see the float up close and personal, but unfortunately only men can go inside....alas....

The festival is frequented by locals and tourists alike, all dressed up in their yukatas (summer kimonos)! This is my friend Nicole in her beautiful Yukata!

The back of her obi came undone. Fashion emergency!

All fixed!

A few details. 

Also got to try some delicious food!
This is called Tamago Senbei. Apparently they only sell these at Gion Matsuri. Octopus cracker with egg, puffs, and sauces! Delicious and fun to eat!

Kyoto is apparently going to be hit with a typhoon tonight/tomorrow! So I'm glad I got to visit the festival when the weather was still nice. I'm told not to worry about the typhoon that it's fun as long as you're inside...we'll see.

Hope your weekend plans are looking brighter than the weather!

Post by Tallulah Axinn

Monday, July 13, 2015

A Friends inspired Shopping List

So I'm a little bit late on the Friends bandwagon but with my newfound free time this summer I have become thoroughly addicted. And it's not just the characters, the love stories, the feel-good-ridiculousness, it's also Rachel's style that has me binge watching daily. So to start off your Monday I bring to you a little style inspiration from my most recent TV obsession.

For those of you who aren't Friends fanatics the basic thing about Rachel's style is this: it's simple. And I love that. She keeps it minimal but perfectly fitted and flattering. And while there are some looks that are questionable at best its her staples that are making it onto my back to school shopping list.

My love affair with the Rachel look started with turtlenecks. They are her go-to piece and they look so good every episode that I cannot wait till the summer is over literally just so that I can stock up.

To keep it seasonally appropriate there's also the slip dress. A classic for all the Friends ladies, the slip dress is effortlessly stylish and often pulled off sans bra (yes please). Perfect for hot summer days when you just can't be bothered with layers.

You know what else Rachel loves? Plaid. Whether its trousers paired with a simple black top or her iconic mini skirt paired with a cropped sweater, Rachel's plaid gets me excited to pull that Urban Outfitter's skirt I always meant to wear out of its storage box. 

While a collar can make your look a little too schoolgirl for my taste, a chunky sweater or a (you guessed it) turtleneck keeps the outfit from looking like a bad halloween costume. As for the plaid pants, keep it modern by swapping for a black and white grid pattern.

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The last item that made it onto my shopping list (courtesy of Rachel) is an oversized oxford. Because what rom com (or, in this case, sitcom) doesn't feature a gorgeous girl pulling off this shirt better than her boyfriend? Well I'm determined to pull off this look and am getting serious inspiration from Rachel's rolled sleeves and gold bracelets. 

What TV characters inspire you? Let us know in the comments - and happy Monday!

Post by Naima Drecker-Waxman
Photos by Warner Brothers.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Tokyo Purchases

Finally back from my weekend long adventure around Japan! I had a great time in general and I definitely experienced a crazy side of Tokyo... Here's a few things that I bought that I'm super excited about!

This jacket pictured below is called a Haori, it is a traditional jacket that you wear over a kimono. I got it near Asakusa Temple in Tokyo for 500 yen (less than $5!).
Normally not so great in the summer, but we've had a few cooler days so I've had the chance to wear it.

You can see mountains printed on the back (and all around). I love the style of this jacket with the huge sleeves.

Here I am at Asakusa Temple wearing my Haori in addition to some other purchases. Super flowy pants that are really popular here.

I always forget to ask people to take pictures of me so I'm often left with the bathroom selfie. Here is my second Haori that I got in Harajuku (an unsuspecting place for some really nice vintage Haoris and Kimonos).
I love the detail of the back of this Haori. The nature and the colors really make this simple black Haori interesting.

Another thing that's really popular here is wearing sandals with socks. Tevas are especially common for this look. I actually bought these shoes in Hokkaido and the socks in Kyoto, but figured I'd include them anyways.

I've really enjoyed observing the fashion trends here in Japan as well as taking inspiration from the tradition dress. My host family is taking me to a store that sells Haoris this weekend since I can't seem to get enough! Hopefully I'll have more to share next week!

Post by Tallulah Axinn

Monday, July 6, 2015

Bushwick: (Stars and) Stripes

Halfway through the summer and I've made it to my first cookout. Hurrah! 

This cookout was a July 4th deal featuring college students either ironically clad in their finest red, white, and blue or sporting all black and a choker. Feeling decidedly unpatriotic I dressed closer to the latter crowd, wearing mixed patterns in their mildest form: a striped shirt over a grid skirt, both in black and white. 

I was invited by an intern who is a friend of the two hosts (and, seemingly, everyone else present). In typical me fashion I paraded in a good half hour before the intern friend (my only connection to the party) arrived. Because awkwardness isn't just a trait; it's a lifestyle.

The party started on the ground floor where the grill was located and slowly migrated up to the roof for firework viewing. For city kids uncomfortable with the great outdoors (read: backyard with scattered patches of grass) there was also the Bernie-2016-stickered house to hang out in. Overall, a pretty nice set up and a definitive step up from two semesters of hot-n-sweaty dorm parties.

Bushwick turned out to be a prime location for firework shows. We had fireworks going off on three sides of the roof and even a couple of (potentially dangerous?) fireworks going off above our heads, courtesy of the neighbors. 


After a pretty great weekend that started with the Yoko Ono exhibit at the MoMA Friday, peaked with fireworks Saturday, and came to a relaxing close on the beach Sunday, I'm left at work waiting for Friday to roll around again. Happy Monday y'all!

Post by Naima Drecker-Waxman

Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Survey of Japanese Hotels

I'm almost halfway through my time in Japan. At school being halfway through a semester means midterms, but here in Japan it means traveling! We have a week off to explore some other areas of Japan! Monday and Tuesday we were in Matsue, an ocean side area on the west side of Japan. We stayed in a traditional japanese hotel where we got to use the onsen (japanese public bath) and it was so nice.

Here's a photo of an onsen (unfortunately not the one we were at)
After the bath we changed into our yukatas.

And then had a wonderful dinner full of seafood!

We even got to walk around the little town all dressed up. 

Tuesday night Nicole and I spent the night in a capsule hotel in Narita airport before our flight to Sapporo! Here are a few shots from nine hours Narita (would definitely recommend!)
Home for the night!

All the female capsules

Nine hours complimentary sleepwear!

I'm writing this on the plane before we lose connection for a few days, hiking in Daisetsuzan National Park in Hokkaido (staying in a hostel that I'm afraid will be a lot less luxurious than what we've experienced so far). And then we'll be in Tokyo until Monday! Can't wait!

Post by Tallulah Axinn