Monday, July 6, 2015

Bushwick: (Stars and) Stripes

Halfway through the summer and I've made it to my first cookout. Hurrah! 

This cookout was a July 4th deal featuring college students either ironically clad in their finest red, white, and blue or sporting all black and a choker. Feeling decidedly unpatriotic I dressed closer to the latter crowd, wearing mixed patterns in their mildest form: a striped shirt over a grid skirt, both in black and white. 

I was invited by an intern who is a friend of the two hosts (and, seemingly, everyone else present). In typical me fashion I paraded in a good half hour before the intern friend (my only connection to the party) arrived. Because awkwardness isn't just a trait; it's a lifestyle.

The party started on the ground floor where the grill was located and slowly migrated up to the roof for firework viewing. For city kids uncomfortable with the great outdoors (read: backyard with scattered patches of grass) there was also the Bernie-2016-stickered house to hang out in. Overall, a pretty nice set up and a definitive step up from two semesters of hot-n-sweaty dorm parties.

Bushwick turned out to be a prime location for firework shows. We had fireworks going off on three sides of the roof and even a couple of (potentially dangerous?) fireworks going off above our heads, courtesy of the neighbors. 


After a pretty great weekend that started with the Yoko Ono exhibit at the MoMA Friday, peaked with fireworks Saturday, and came to a relaxing close on the beach Sunday, I'm left at work waiting for Friday to roll around again. Happy Monday y'all!

Post by Naima Drecker-Waxman

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